Banana Industries asked me a few years ago if I would like to collaborate with them and feature my own range with them that would feature on their site. This collaboration lasted a few years and allowed me to create a range of designs collaborating with their brand.
”Feel good, get outdoors” design, from the most recent collection, was a blend of playfulness with characters (happy trees and mountains) and positive messaging. Reminding folks to pick themselves up, get outdoors and engage with the world around them.
During my collaboration with Banana Industries, I focused on designing with a connection to nature and the outdoors in mind. The range aimed to be uplifting and playful, while blending my own beliefs and Banana Industries' commitment to sustainability. The goal was to create a range that would be appealing to Banana Industries audience and my own.
With a shared vision of cherishing and preserving our natural environment, the range sought to create products that not only reflected my personal creative expression but also aligned with Banana Industries' values. This collaboration allowed me to explore a playfulness with my personal style and characters that are featured throughout my work, while keeping Banana Industries brand in mind throughout the process.